Innovation in Learning Institute (ILI, Project Coordination)

In its research and development, the Innovation in Learning Institute (ILI) focuses on innovation processes in lifelong learning and teaching, education and skills development in a systemic perspective, and based on relevant societal changes. ILI is an interdisciplinary team consisting of 30 members from the humanities and technological sciences. The institute carries out research within the fields of digital and media based learning across the entire life span, including school children and senior citizens. Being part of a broad network of European and international partners, ILI participates in numerous projects and provides service, guidance, and know-how.
Institut für Lern-Innovation
Dr.-Mack-Straße 77
90762 Fürth, Germany
tel +49 (0) 9131 85 61100
fax +49 (0) 9131 85 61138
Greek Universities Network

The Greek Universities Network GUnet is a non-profit civil company founded in September 2000. GUnet’s members are all the Universitiesin Greece. The mission of the company is to promote, facilitate and coordinate the use of advanced information and communication technologies (ICT), services and applications in the Greek academic community for supporting the Greek higher education institutes in their mission and in general, research and education in Greece.
GUnet provides e-learning services to its members and its project partners through its Center for e-learning and Multimedia, and the learning management systems Open e-Class ( and OpenDelos ( It also supports the National Search Portal for OpenCourses ( and provides guidelines on how to create open courses (
Since 2012, GUnet coordinates the development of opencourseware and open educational resources by its members at the national level.
Network Operation Center, Dpt. of Informatics & Telecommunications
Panepistiopolis Ilissia
15784 Athens, Greece
ITC – Innovation Training Center, S.L.

ITC is a team of experienced professionals who work hard to provide innovative solutions regarding entrepreneurship, training and R&D+i projects. Their operational structure based in Spain, specifically in Andalusia and the Balearic Islands. They keep close relationships with different administrations, research institutes, public research and private institutions at regional, national and international level.
Their team has more than 25 years of experience in the entreprneurship, education and training sector. They provide the clients with real, feasible and profitable proposals. In this frame, they have defined a strategy to provide you and your organisation to attract opportunities from those included in the so-called “triple helix”: government bodies, private and public research centers and universities.
ITC – Innovation Training Center, S.L.
Street Galileo Galilei s/n building E 19
07121 Palma de Mallorca, Spain
International Management Institute (IMI)

IMI was established in 1993 as a public-private partnership among different types of organisations, united by the common goal of
achieving sustainable regional development, increasing the qualifications of human resources, and providing equal access to
education for elderly people, people with disabilities and people in unequal social position, such as immigrants.
The organisation has carried out research in several different
fields, including social cohesion, sustainable development, partnerships between business and education, sustainable tourism,
vocational education, validation of skills acquired through non-formal and informal learning, etc. The organisation has extensive
experience in implementing EU-funded projects.
IMI is the founder of Varna University of Management (, which has campuses in Varna and Dobrich, Bulgaria and is an established
modern business school providing higher education within a multinational community of academicians and students from over 30 nationalities.
International Management Institute (IMI)
13A Oborishte Street
9000 Varna, Bulgaria

QUALED is a small non-profit organisation for Qualification and Education based in Slovakia. They are trying to enrich the educational system by making it more practical. They are focused on teaching and learning practical skills for everyday life and qualification in innovative way.
QUALED also participates in a several projects for adult education through Erasmus + programme.
Ente Bilaterale Veneto F.V.G.

Ente Bilaterale Veneto FVG is non profit organization that was constituted in 1996 on a regional level, by Confesercenti, which is a trade association of SMEs in the sector of commerce, tourism and services, and by the three most representative Italian Trade Union, Filcams-Cgil, Fisascat-Cisl, and UilTucs-Uil.
Its constitution is defined in the National Labour Contract Agreement and it aims at improving life and working conditions of the workers and the companies of commerce and tourism.
The mission of EBVF is to improve the conditions of life and work of companies and employees towards an entrepreneurial, professional and human growth, by providing services and funding to both companies and workers, regarding training, welfare, health and care services, and labour market.
Beside these services, EBVF also plays an important institutional role in labour market policies thanks to some specific proxies given to bilateral bodies by national and regional laws.
EBVF is also accredited in the Region of Veneto as a Training Centre and manages many training and consultancy projects financed by the Region of Veneto.
Ente Bilaterale Veneto F.V.G.
Via Castellana, 88/C
30030 Martellago (VE), Italy
Integra Institute
Institute for the Development of Human Potentials

The Institute’s mission is based on the doctrine of programmes and the provision of services in the field of humanistic sciences for different target and age groups. Under the public grants of the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, professionals working at the Institute perform special counselling and experts’ work in the field of psychosocial and occupational rehabilitation. The Institute regularly employs professionals in the field of medicine, psychology, special pedagogy, occupational therapy.
Institute also participates in a range of projects relating to adult education in European and other international level.
Wissenschaftsinitiative Niederösterreich

Science Initiative Lower Austria (WIN) was founded 1990 as a non-profit association for interdisciplinary research, consulting and education. Its main activities have been in the field of adult education and labour market related research.
Since 1991 WIN has become active in European projects, especially in managing and coordinating scientific cooperation in European research and education programmes. WIN is registered member of various European research organisations, e.g. at the European Training Village (CEDEFOP), Euroscience and the European Association of Vocational Training Providers.
With some 20 experts, lecturers and trainers who cover the various working fields, WIN is managing and coordinating educational projects in the Erasmus+ Programme and in other European research and education programmes.
Wissenschaftsinitiative Niederösterreich
Kreuttal 6
2112 Würnitz, Austria